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Components providing color selection.


pnpm add @ikun-ui/color-picker
yarn add @ikun-ui/color-picker
npm install @ikun-ui/color-picker

Basic usage

Basic Usage.


Add size attribute to change the size of ColorPicker. It supports sm, md and lg.

External Control

Control opening and closing through handleOpen and handleOpen

Rendering Trigger Text

Renders the default text of the trigger, effective when showText is true. When customizing text, you can use showText as a function to return custom text.


Disabled ColorPicker

Disabled Alpha

Disabled color alpha.


Clear Color

Custom Trigger

Triggers for customizing color panels.

Color Format

Encoding formats, support HEX, HSV, RGB.

Preset Colors

Set the presets color of the color picker.

Customizing Preset Panel

Set the presets color of the color picker by preset slot.

ColorPicker Props

valuestring | RgbaColor | HsvaColor-color value.
defaultValuestring | RgbaColor | HsvaColor-The default color panel value, which determines the initial linear color.
format'rgb' | 'hsv' | 'hex''hex'Format of color.
allowClearbooleanfalseAllow clearing color selected.
disabledbooleanfalseDisable ColorPicker.
disabledAlphabooleanfalseDisable Alpha.
showTextbooleantrueWhether to display color values.
placement'top' | 'left' | 'right' | 'bottom''top'Placement of popup.
titlestring''Title of ColorPicker.
trigger'manual' | 'click' | 'hover'clickHow ColorPicker are triggered
size'sm' | 'md' | 'lg'mdSize of ColorPicker.
presetsKColorPickerPreset-Preset colors.
clsstring''Additional class for component
attrsany{}Additional attributes
export interface KColorPickerPreset {
	defaultOpen?: boolean;
	label: string;
	colors: string[] | RgbaColor[] | HsvaColor[];
export interface RgbaColor {
	r: number;
	g: number;
	b: number;
	a?: number;
export interface HsvaColor {
	h: number;
	s: number;
	v: number;
	a?: number;

ColorPicker Api

handleOpenOpen the dropdown.()=> void
handleCloseClose the dropdown.()=> void

ColorPicker Events

changeCallback when value is changed.(color: string)=> void
changeCompleteCalled when color pick ends.(color: string)=> void
openChangeCallback when format is changed.(format: 'rgb' | 'hsv' | 'hex')=> void
openChangeCallback when open is changed.(open: boolean) => void
clearCalled when clear.()=> void

ColorPicker Slots

defaultCustom trigger element.
titlecontent of the title.
textcontent of the color text.
presetcontent of the preset.

Color Api


It is based on tinycolor2 , the ColorInput type comes from tinycolor2

toHexConvert to hex format characters, the return type like: 1677ff .toHex(value: Color): string
toHexStringonvert to hex format color string, the return type like: #1677ff.toHexString(value: Color): string
toHsvConvert to hsv object.toHsv(value: Color): tinycolor.ColorFormats.HSVA
toHsvStringConvert to hsb format color string, the return type like: hvb(215, 91%, 100%).toHsvString(value: Color): string
toRgbConvert to rgb object.toRgb(value: Color): tinycolor.ColorFormats.RGBA
toRgbStringConvert to rgb format color string, the return type like: rgb(22, 119, 255).toRgbString(value: Color): string

MIT Licensed