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Input numerical values with a customizable range.


pnpm add @ikun-ui/input-number
yarn add @ikun-ui/input-number
npm install @ikun-ui/input-number

Basic usage

Disabled inputNumber

Disable the input through the disabled attribute


Allows you to define incremental steps.

Step strictly

The stepStrictly attribute accepts a boolean. if this attribute is true, input value can only be multiple of step.


Add precision attribute to set the precision of input value.


Example of limiting value through min and max attributes


Add size attribute to change the size of InputNumber. It supports sm, md and lg.

InputNumber Props

sizesm | md |lgmdsize of InputNumber.
valuenumber | null-Binding value.
maxnumber-InfinityThe maximum allowed value.
minnumberInfinityThe minimum allowed value.
stepnumber1Incremental step.
stepStrictlybooleanfalseWhether input value can only be multiple of step.
precisionnumber | null-Precision of input value.
disabledbooleanfalseDisable the InputNumber.
controlsbooleanfalseWhether to enable the control buttons.
valueOnClearnumber | nullnullValue should be set when input box is cleared.
placeholderstring-InputNumber's placeholder
idstring-InputNumber's placeholder
namestring-InputNumber's placeholder
readonlybooleanfalseInputNumber's placeholder
appendstring-The class name of the append button, following the unocss standard.
prependstring-The class name of the prepend button, following the unocss standard.
useCompositionInputbooleanfalseBind value will be updated after the composition input ends
clsstring-Additional class
attrsRecord<string, string>{}Additional attributes

InputNumber Events

inputEvent fired on input(value: number)=> void
enterEvent fired when enter is pressed(e: Event)=> void
keydownEvent fired when keyboard is pressed(e: Event)=> void
changeEvent fired when the value is changes(e: Event)=> void
compositionstartThe compositionstart event is fired when a text composition system(e: CompositionEvent)=> void
compositionendThe compositionend event is fired when a text composition system(e: CompositionEvent)=> void
compositionInputEvent fired when enable useCompositionInput(e: CompositionEvent)=> void
triggerPrependEvent fired on prepend button(value: HTMLInputElement.value)=> void
triggerAppendEvent fired on append button(value: HTMLInputElement.value)=> void
searchWhen search is true and you press enter or click the prepend button or click the append button, the event will be triggered.(value: HTMLInputElement.value)=> void
blurTriggers when Input blurs.(e: Event)=> void
focusTriggers when Input focuses.(e: Event)=> void

InputNumber Slots

appendCustomize input append content
prependCustomize input prepend content

MIT Licensed