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Display global messages as feedback in response to user operations.


pnpm add @ikun-ui/message
yarn add @ikun-ui/message
npm install @ikun-ui/message

Basic usage

Determine the display position by setting the placement option

Different emotion categories

Display different emotion category messages by calling different methods


The method of takes precedence over options.type.

Closable message

Through the options, you can set whether the message can be closed, the duration of existence, automatic close and close callback

message with offset

Sometimes you may need the message to be slightly offset by a distance in the y-axis direction

Update the message

Custom content

You can render content through slots

Message Options

placement'right-top' / 'left-top' / 'right-bottom' / 'left-bottom'right-topWhere the message appears
closebooleanfalseWhether the message can be closed manually
autoClosebooleanfalseWhether the message is automatically closed
durationnumber3000Message's auto-close timing (only when autoClose = true) takes effect
onCloseIKunUncertainFunction-The callback method when the message is closed
type'info' / 'warning' 'error' / 'success'-The emotion category of the message
offsetnumber0Message is offset on the y-axis
titlestring / SvelteComponent-The title content of the message, which can be a html string or a svelte component
contentstring / SvelteComponent{}The content of the message, which can be a html string or a svelte component
clsstring-Additional class
attrsRecord<string, string>{}Additional attributes

Message Api

KMessage<T>(options: MessageOptions<T>)=>MessageInstRender a message according to the incoming options and return the message instance<T>(options: MessageOptions<T>)=>MessageInstRender a message of info type according to the incoming options and return the message instance
KMessage.warning<T>(options: MessageOptions<T>)=>MessageInstRender a message of warning type according to the incoming options and return the message instance
KMessage.success<T>(options: MessageOptions<T>)=>MessageInstRender a message of success type according to the incoming options and return the message instance
KMessage.error<T>(options: MessageOptions<T>)=>MessageInstRender a message of error type according to the incoming options and return the message instance
KMessage.update<T>(inst: typeof MessageInst, options: MessageOptions<T>)=>voidUpdate the specified message
KMessage.clearAll() => voidClear all messages
KMessage.clear(inst: typeof MessageInst) => voidClear the specified message

MIT Licensed