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Progress is used to show the progress of current operation.


pnpm add @ikun-ui/progress
yarn add @ikun-ui/progress
npm install @ikun-ui/progress

Basic usage

TextInside progress

In this case the percentage takes no additional space.

strokeWidth attribute decides the width of progress bar.

textInside attribute to put description inside the progress bar.

Color progress

color attribute decides the color of progress bar.

Circle progress

By setting type="circle", you can get a circle style of progress easily.

Dashboard progress

By setting type="dashboard", you can get a dashboard style of progress easily.

Progress Props

statusprimary / success / error / warning / infoprimaryThe current status of progress bar
typeline, circle, dashboardlineThe type of progress bar
strokeWidthnumber6The width of progress bar
widthnumber126The canvas width of circle progress
colorstring-The current color of progress bar
textInsidebooleanfalsePut description inside the progress bar (type is 'line')
format(v: number) => string-Custom text format
durationnumber0.28 (s)Control the animation duration of progress (type is 'line')
showTextbooleantrueWhether to show percentage
clsstringtrueAdditional class
attrsRecord<string, string>{}Additional attributes

Progress Slots

defaultCustomized content

MIT Licensed