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Used for rating.


pnpm add @ikun-ui/rate
yarn add @ikun-ui/rate
npm install @ikun-ui/rate

Basic usage

Use colors prop to set color for different level.

color for different level

With allowHalf

Add attribute allowHalf Half star allowed.

With text

Using text to indicate rating score.

Add attribute showText to display text at the right of Rate. You can assign texts for different scores using texts.

ShowScore and ScoreTemplate

Add attribute showScore to display score at the right of Rate. You can customize score display by set scoreTemplate, which is a string and internally uses {value} to represent the score.

The score of IKunUI is 5 points


You can reset the value to 0 when you click at the same value again.

More icons

You can use different icons to distinguish different rate components.

You can customize icons by passing icons.


Read-only Rate is for displaying rating score. Half star is supported.

Use attribute readonly to make the component read-only. Add readonlyVoidIcon and readonlyVoidColor to set unselected icons and colors.

2.7 points
customize voidIcon and voidColor


Add size attribute to change the size of Rate. It supports sm, md and lg.

Rate Props

maxnumber5max rating score.
valuenumber0rate value.
allowHalfbooleanfalsewhether picking half start is allowed.
showScorebooleanfalsewhether to display current score. showScore and showText cannot be true at the same time.
scoreTemplatestring'{value}'score template.
showTextbooleanfalsewhether to display texts.
textsstring / Record<number, string>''text or text map.
textColorstring'var(--ikun-zinc-500)'color of texts.
iconsstring / Record<number, string>'k-rate--active-icon'icon or icons map, alias i-carbon-star-filled to k-rate--active-icon.
colorsstring / Record<number, string>'var(--ikun-amber-500)'color or colors map.
voidIconstring'k-rate--void-icon'void icon, alias i-carbon-star to k-rate--void-icon.
voidColorstring'var(--ikun-stone-300)'void icon color.
disabledbooleanfalsewhether rate is disabled.
readonlybooleanfalsewhether rate is readonly.
readonlyVoidIconstring'k-rate--readonly-icon'readonly void icon, alias i-carbon-star-filled to k-rate--readonly-icon.
readonlyVoidColorstring'var(--ikun-light-700)'readonly void icon color.
clearablebooleanfalsewhether value can be reset to 0.
sizesm | md |lgmdsize of rate.
clsstring-Additional class
attrsRecord<string, string>{}Additional attributes

Rate Events

updateValueEvent fired when the value is changes.(event: Event)=> void

MIT Licensed